THE Best Sellers Pack


  • Flavour-first sourcing
  • No artificial additives
  • In their delicious bean stock (aka liquid GOLD)

Jar Size:

Find out more

First-time bean buyer? This is the ultimate pack to try the best-sellers of our range, voted favourites by our most avid bean champs (people you + I can trust). But it comes with a WARNING: once you go bold, there's no going back.

1 x Queen Red Beans
1 x Queen Black Beans 
1 x Queen Chickpeas 
1 x Queen Butter Beans 
1 x Organic White Beans 
1 x Organic Chickpeas 


Ingredients & Nutritionals

1 Jar of each of the following - Queen Butter Beans, Queen Chickpeas, Queen Red, Queen Black Beans, Organic White Beans, Organic Chickpeas

THE Best Sellers Pack
